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A sparsely-updated blog by a crazy woman with bad taste in almost everything.


1 minute read

I’ve been on a real ‘making crap’ kick lately. I’ve not felt like buying stuff, and am really getting into making gifts for people. This is the last one I made, for le boy’s birthday, which is on Thursday.
He seems to like it too, which I was sort of hoping for, given his penchant for geeky clocks and the colour green. In fact, I enjoyed making this so much that I’m tempted to buy a bunch of mechanisms on ebay and go crazy making clocks. I could even sell…


1 minute read

This is Socks. She’s been my dog for the last 13 years. She was very small, very cute, very mono-ocular, very snuggly and very smelly from time to time. She loved begging for food, going for walks, sleeping and whoring round the neighbours for food, walks and cuddles. When it was time for dinner, she would run up and down our hall, doing 360-degree spins of excitement and grunting with joy. She was too small to jump up on laps and couches much of the time, but loved being picked up and…


1 minute read

So, I’m older than I was…  the year counter racheted up one more notch on Sunday. The entire weekend was spent celebrating, which was kind of nice… I think I like the thoughts of a birthday weekend. There was choir, and guinness, and dancing in awful clubs, and hangovers, and journeys and opera and hugs and friends and more alcohols, and passing out on a buddabag like the olden days, and food and food and food and singing, and karaoke booths and cocktails.


3 minute read

Well, sort of. I was staying just off Wall Street, with my Very Good, Kind and Wonderful friend Artemis. It was mostly a relatively chilled-out time, but there were some bits that ended up being unexpectedly mental.
The stuff I did that was awesome:**
Go see Spamalot.
Go to the top of the Rockefeller Building.
Go to Mars Bar on 1st St and 2nd Avenue – so long as you think that an excellent jukebox, a dingy interior, weird patrons and a stink of piss in the toilets is a good thing.…

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